My very first name was tomthelionhearted. After 3 months I reset due to personal issues but I renamed myself studly_hung_well, which came from a childhood joke/memory between my brother and myself about manly/cool names.... anyway, I opened up pimd a couple days ago only to find out that they changed my name (my two year anniversary is Jan 23). I have partied with mods, email support on numerous occasions and not a thing was said about that name. Needless to say I was/am mad as hell especially since I opened Pandora's box and started spending real money on the game. I can only speculate as to why it happened and I have a couple of theories but will keep those to myself for now. I do have to say, at least I wasn't silenced and ata stated they will foot the expense on the name change. I have seen some way worse names on here in the past that never got forced to change. Makes me wonder what recent changes have occurred. Might have been something MINOR, who knows... Meanwhile, I must come up with a new name... something that will not offend CHILDREN, who shouldn't be playing this game anyway. Studs_day_care? May_I_See_your_ID_Please? Parental_Guidance_Suggested? Just a few I've thought about...
Bellzy then Bellz-loves-you then I grew up and got _Demeter_ then I reset and got -Demeter- then I tagged