I wanna make this little thread to the best pupil on the earth, the one and only -P3doBear- ( Jay is holding me at the moment ,she is good person,and also helpful ) Shu , u always helped me when I needed help,u were good n stayed calm when I was boring and noisy and crazy. I can't choose right words for this. U spent so much money on me,always,when I needed for upgrade ,lol. Ur my good friend,I'm grateful because I found pup like u. I hope that u wont left me,and sell to someome else My best pup SO EVERYONE,WHO WAS UR BEST PUP OR STILL IS ? WRITE YOUR MEMORIES,OPINIONS,WISHES,ANYTHING.
I think my current is the best pup and always will be because I've never really had an other pup. I like making her get complaints due to my old BL habits. ??I also like trolling her. That reminds me follow her for rp. ? ?Maybe I could get a new pupil one day but for now Nahh