That moment when...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sup_, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. ★ that moment when u laugh infront of pigs...

    :roll: idk
  2. That moment when your driving and next thing you know u already at ur destination wondering how u got there 
  3. That moment when you meet someone who believes in bigfoot.
  4. That moment you spill your drink all over table and just get and and walk away 
  5. That moment when you do something embarrassing in front of a group or people or your girlfriend..
  6. And again I share to yall my moment.

    That moment when you thought it was just a fart.
  7. The moment when you fart and your crush is there too
  8. That moment when you laugh in one of the most quiet times from a thought or thing earlier.