
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cashdallas, Nov 29, 2014.

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  1. Sorry ?
  2. ?
  3. Anyhiw op, yuo wure most likley silanced bcuz u usde inpropriate lnguage..Stup yapn n suk it up butttercup

  4. ~smacks you with a dictionary~
  5. Please repeat that. Also please speak in english. :lol:
  6. Omg I'm becoming found of her! 
  7. Slpaz yuo wit anti role play nub git burndt
  8. Turnt up
  9. Can someone please translate this? :geek:
  10. If you think you have been silenced unfairly please don't complain on forums.
    Email with:
    The game you play (PimD)
    Your username
    The reason of why you think you should be unsilenced.
  11. Oh god
  12. Ya did it wrong! The email doesn't have a capital 'S'. False information there :x :lol:

  13. 
  14. Anya dictionary rp?
  15. Somebody only had 1 beers ;) hahahaha :p

  16. Yeah kinky 
  17. finally someone said it
  18. Decides to say* :D
  19. :D
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