Mr.Abrams knocked Star Trek out of the ball park. So I'm excited for him to be doing Star Wars. I would have loved to see James Cameron's take on Star Wars. One could only wish right
Using her logic, was the Hobbit animation terrible? Terrible Animation= Terrible Live action seems to have been the connection in her argument.
You're logic in that statement is utterly missing Anya. Please explain how having an animated version of any million dollar block buster changes anything
Since I have to explain everything to you, not talking about the animated version of the hobbit. The lord of the rings, and the hobbit have virtually the same exact story line. So yes the hobbit sucks! I don't like a story being repeated with different actors. Sorry
The animated movie was outdated but the animation of the Star Wars were up to par to most Disney movies
I like Spielberg don't get me wrong. Let's be honest though, titanic, avatar. Just two of Cameron's amazing pieces. I'm a huge huge huge Smith fan though (he seduces the nerd in me)
I haven't seen any if the Hobbit series tbh. I know where the Ring ends up. Not too concerned on where it came from???
Are you serious? Only thing the hobbit and lotr have in common is the following of the ring. Both are completely different story lines. One follows bilbo' adventure finding the ring. LoTR is the destruction of the ring
Which was not needed. Lord of the rings was one of the best series in my opinion, we didn't need to see how his grandfather went through almost the exact same journey as frodo sorry.
Geesh who cares? It's over done. When something like the lord of the rings was as great as it was do not ruin it by making a prequel.
I may be wrong, as I haven't really read the series, but I think the Hobbit novel was a huge success, so probably why studios are trying to milk the fan base with the film series.
That would be like them taking the fast and the furious series and making it a prequel by having the original characters grandparents or kids star in it. No, just no!
Hobbit books (as well as the cartoon hobbit movie) came out first. Lord of the rings was just to be the first to become a legit movie.
And now they're ruining it. Nuff said. Along with Star Wars and Star Trek. We do not need a million different versions of each movie. Leave it to the freaking classics.