SPOILER: they go all Doctor Who meets Disney meets Futurama, Luke travels back in time and he sleeps with Vader's mom who is also Mrs Robinson during an affair. So he is indeed his own Grandfather. Sorry. I like Disney... But I'm skeptical of their Star Wars endeavor until I go to theaters.
Oh really? I can safely assume you have experience in movie production and directing that you can use to judge the next Star Wars?
I honestly believe the sole purpose of the animated movie was to cater to the younger audience to possibly get them exposed to SW
I dont think Disney ruined it. People mad cuz Disney bought out... Ummm... The Avengers is Disney... And The Avengers is like, the best shit EVER so.... yeah.
Many are just skeptical of the Disney company having the reins instead of George Lucas himself... It would be like TWD turning into a PBS show. Badass company to a mostly family oriented one... Just waiting and seeing myself tbh.
So because someone made an animated Star Wars movie. With no direct relevance to the main 6 (well 9) films. They ruined the 7th movie
Stan Lee also usually always makes a cameo in Marvel movies and seems to stay close to the projects. Could be the difference here.
Disney owns the rights to the movies. JJ Abrams is directing the films. They are his movies. Know what other movies he made. The most recent Star Trek films.
? so with Anya's logic since there was an animated version of the entire hobbit, The Hobbit is now terrible
That's one thing I have seen from my Social Media friends. The Trekkies mad that he is doing SW, and vice versa. My husband likes both series so he's kinda intrigued.