To Ata

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SayWHATTTT, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Dear Ata,

    First and foremost I'd like to thank you for decent looking Avis this hunt but although they look amazing I won't be able to acquire them seeing as I have a very busy work schedule.

    So my question to you is, can you put these in the store?

    I've missed the last hunts Avis because work and I don't really think its fair. I understand people work hard completing hunts but they also get bonuses eg showcase items, awards and dn's. Not only will you benefit by getting cash from ec needed to purchase these Avis but people (like me) also get shiny new avatars 
  2. No support
  3. No support. Sorry. It's so much more satisfying when someone earns it and doesn't have to see someone who didn't participate get it for a few bucks Rl is rl yes. My point is strictly from a gaming perspective
  4. no support just coz
  5. Tbh if you're getting it legit the only way you're gonna get the 37/13 ones are if you do b2b cc. So nobody has the right to be butthurt about someone buying them 
  6. Im with rune on this one
  7. Support ..
    But ata won't do that coz ppl won't buy cats and dn's..oops
  8. Exactly, if they were in store why to buy cats and dns , so wont happen no matter how many supports you get
  9. I always wanted my black belt in jujitsu.... But i never had time to go to enough classes some thing in life are only for winners or participants
  10. If you think about it taking on a loss in real than on PimD is harder....OK some ppl have to work for their AVA.... And others can't because of work.... Cudos to those who work for it... And another Kudos (idk how to spell it) for those who took a RL set back to have another AVA
  11. No offense but it's just an avatar.