
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pro, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Ok sorry you used the chidren defence this is a clear sign of butthurt
  2. Learn to English plis.
  3. You are the one that put yourself out there with your opinions.
    The level of maturity in this thread decreases with every post made by the op, but he calls everyone else children.
    The only arrogance here i see is from the op.
  4. Let me get this right...
    Your saying we shouldn't try to save pimd but rather just leave silently, while you go against your own advice?
  5. Mmmm wet hay and alfalfa
  6. Mmmm wet hay and alfalfa ?
  7. Ok bro please tell me again how that was hard to understand oh wait thats right you didnt like what i said so you went straight to insults classy
  9. I disagree 
  10. Hahaha op is looking stupider and stupider :lol:
  11. Can someone put a two line summary of what op is saying pweeeeeese.Tis thread too long to read ?
  12. Op is saying he's an attention seeking hypocrite also a rather fun person to piss off and watch him scream butt hurt
  13. Everyone so butt hurt  and Sam you skinny ass bones looking faggot, get the fuck out of my thread pussy 
  14. If I wanted attention id farm your ass and see all the people you cry to on my wall 
  15. With your emo ass, get the fuck out of my life  you're crying over a differently girl every week
  16. And for everyone else, you can wall me for your opinions  I'm not allowed to be in forums anymore ?
  17. Sooo angry bahaha
  18. Point made :lol:
  19. Thats check and mate