For everyone quitting because of new features and new directions... It doesn't mean a damn thing to ATA. These new features are nothing but a ploy to make more money. As soon as this feature does down (like the rest before) they will come up with something completely new, like it or not. The goal here is money, money, and more money. If the game dies out, they will shut it down like GaW, take all of your money, and create a new game (perfect drift) or whatever. So in all honestly with all of the whining and dramatics of voicing why you are leaving, what is the point. Not a single one of your "Quitting threads" has made a difference. In plain terms all I am saying is, if you don't like the game, most devices have a neat "uninstall" feature I'm sure most of you know about. And say I'm wrong, you've voiced your opinion and quit. They decided to bring the old PIMD back... Guess what! You're long gone! So you got what you wanted and you don't even get the satisfaction of knowing you got it. Soooooooo, to sum it up, protest, voice yourself, make all the threads in the world about whining, but enough quitting threads. They are a waste of your time and everyone else's time. I'm sure 99% of your goodbyes are outside of threads anyhow. And for those of you who will say, "but I am going to keep in touch with people who still play and they will tell me." No... You will either come back because you decided, "wow that was dramatic and I overreacted." Or you will say, "I've moved on already, thanks though." Suck it up, or find another game.
No offense to anyone who has made one... Just saying that it could be done in other ways... I've known Casper for the 3 years I've been here, nothing against her, just trying to put my post of view out there and maybe save people the dramatics of quitting.