Name Game

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Skittles, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. You always seem to but yourself
    Do you want me to say ya name???
  2. and also
    Stella counts the stars and
    Lady Dynamite
  3. Omg Rose is everywhere :lol:
  4. ? Let me feel loved for once
  5. You are loved boob ?
    That's why your everywhere
  6.  Let me go call my mum ?
  7. Hush ? I love you Noob
  8. I love everyone. 
  9. ThatOneNaiveBoy :))
  10. Pimd_Community

  11. Aww you lil brat. You don't want me saying I like you too here. But ok, since you're being nice. I like you too :lol: jk love u silly (no more asking me for cookie rp)
  12. GrapeSlushy

    We have a love/hate relationship.
  13. My pupil He's been my friend for longer than anyone else here.
  14. Rose (Even though she doesn't know I exist. Lmao)

    -_Jo3y_- 

    & _SHADOLOO_
  15. Did I say me??? I'm to lazy to look though the whole thread??
  16. Spitfire
    M4GN1F1C3NT_N0RW4Y (My main)
    Hulk (Due to idioticness)
  17. I'm not loved 
  18. ?? Love you Emma
  19. I nominate my name
  20. -iNicky_De_Saison- :D