You will never have as much swag as me.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -NO-Bueno, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    If the picture is too big, buy an Android.
  2. Or a tablet ?ipad bruh
  3. Ass so flat can't even function
  4. Bruh you're the second poster why you gotta quote me. Tf

  5. For those who likes it smaller.
  6. Omg I just noticed the gif and wow :eek:
  7. Sorry I don't do malware
  8. Brush what you gonna do about it
  9. Suck my ass.
  10. Nice cleavage right dere
  12. !1!!!11!!!1!1!
  13. Do I care?
  14. I don't know I'm not a fucking psychic.

  15. Honestly, when have you met someone that says "i like them small"