What would you do if...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. The movie, "How To Train Your Dragon 2"

    What? I'm a kid at heart.
  2. What would you do if you found out you were a witch/wizard?
  3. Well 1 it better be Hagrad barging in tell me You're a wizard Ashy. Upon finding out I am a wizard I would want to go to hogwarts a run to train station 9 3/4. Then I would use my wizardry to give me an unlimited supply of Bacon.

    What would you do if you were an Assassin? (Yes this is nerdy. Yes I mean like Assassin's Creed)
  4. Kill.

    What'd you do if you were made to marry a lecherous old man/woman?
  5. Cause a heart attack

    What would you do if you were told to choose which parent or sibling to kill?
  6. I would shoot the person who told me to do that

    What would you do if you had to pick either an all savoury or all sweet world of food to live in ?
  7. Savory ? to avoid headaches

    If you had to lose a body part (hair, nails, eyebrows... Don't count), which would you choose?
  8. Finger

    What would you do out of pure boredom with nothing else to do?
  9. Skate

    What would you do if you could see everything that will happen in the future??
  10. Masterbate
  11. What would u do with a billion bucks
  12. Spend them on pimd. Buy cats make club start a cat party hit one then ff. repeat!
  13. What would you do with a million bucks as in male deers!
  14. Kill them, grill them then eat them 

    What would you do if your mom walked in on you having sex with her best friend ?
  15. Be disgusted and confused. I don't even know who my mom's best friend is.

    What would you do if you had to choose between PimD or rl?
  16. I'd pick real life and if anyone picks PimD they need to get smacked in the face

    What would you do if your a police and U catch Ur closest friend selling cocaine?
  17. ?CAT-NAPPED??7days ??15days6days11DaysB2B CATVENGERS?
  18. Warn my friend not to do that.
    What would you do if you found out your BFF or BF was a criminal?
  19. Be scared and don't know what to do.

    What would you do if you're mom found out you were about your sèx life?
  20. Mom should already know since she has a grandkid. If she's just figuring it out, I think she needs glasses.

    What would you do if a stranger offered you candy?