Party in the sunshine FRAUD

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zer0Code, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Worst cat club they said cat does not entitle a minimum stay ... yeah short story they kicked my bruh iVampire at day 4 after dropping his cat  admin just posted in his wall that is 1 cat 4 days you can see in his wall.

    Why don't say they set time for your cat? The admin justify that time is in club wall and that there are no freezing time. But was NOT warned was only 4 days per cat.

     Post this thread to warn you all who are considering to drop cat at this cat club is only 4 days 
  2. :lol: this is hilarious
  3. "Bruh"

    Another alt post yay
  4. iVampire is a dunce
  5. He is not. He just got scammed bruh
  6. 1 cat = 4 days is not a fraud. 2 cats=9 days
    Sorry but I am going
  7. To avoid getting scammed you should be more careful.

    Did he even make sure he knew what he was getting into when he chose to drop his cat there? I mean, if he didn't ask and they didn't say earlier then it's a failure to communicate on both sides
  8. Bump for fallen angel
  9. ... So... You're iVampire?
  10. Little prince they said no limit time for dropping cat so bumch of lies no bad communication so false information is scam
  11. He is my bruh