Hey Loren, This guide, by iMarsUnderTheSun will take you to a thread which will teach you the beginning of what to do?. ?If you check out the guide section in forums you can learn from there, as well.?They have very good guides there! :lol: When you are enjoying yourself you will forget about the rules, like I did. To make sure you don't get silenced here are the rules: Terms of Use (ToU) Rules of Conduct (RoC) Forum Code of Conduct (FCoC) If you get silenced 3 times you will be perm silenced. After 3 months of your perm silence you can email: support@athinkingape.com Remember to include: Username Game (Pimd) Why you should be unsilenced. If you think you have been silenced unfairly also do above but you don't have to wait 3 months. Don't send multiple emails about the same issue or they won't respond. It takes up to 24 hours for support to respond. If you have any questions, I'll be more than happily to help you out Have fun!