Funny you say obsession. :lol: You wanted the fight, you got it. Idc if you farm me on a game, i can speak. ASCENSION is full of hypocritical, obsessed psychos. Everyone knows it, only to scared to be farmed then say it. :lol: Keep farming.
U speaking for everyone or just u and john? he's the only support u have no else gives a damn about you
Well, i don't give a damn about Mandi. But, there are some huge assholes in ascension. There's some nice people too. But people tend to remember the bad. Just like any club really. No one's perfect.
It was Dion, sorry for taking off topic. Omars stupid comments are just obnoxious, and he wouldn't be talking like that if he wasn't in that club.
It's ok you can continue if your matter is important we will discuss about relationship feature later lol
And little twerk, i have plenty that do, just won't tell them to help bc what's the point? My group of friends against you crazies, all your alts and hours of free time. Another bs cf? Nah. I'd rather just annoy you with my words. Keep pounding your fight button.
Unless you know, maybe you should just not say anything. Or find out the truth. Which i have. If anyone wants to see how cool Ascension really is, follow me. I'm out.