are u a true gamer?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---V_RuneOfFlame---, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Some people call this soda,a true gamer calls it breakfast
  2. I call it Fanta.
  3. I call this ' A Fizzy Drink' :eek:
  4. Soda for breakfast is life lol but I prefer Mountain Dew, it is a better drink to keep you awake as to continue to play videogames :)
  5. It is soda not a fizzy drink, Jiggy :roll:
  6. It depends where you are in the world. :roll: It's the same with soccer/football ;)
  7. Yeah it's called a fizzy drink or pop here.
  8. Follow Jiggy for rp :roll:
    No correcting me ?
  9. I'd I had ec there would soooo be a world announcement to follow jiggy for rp
  10. :( Well done, Lillie. You now influenced Rune as well :x
  11. Stop correcting me ? We won't have this problem then
  12. Follow ---V_iLillieLetZiiGrindOnMe--- for correcting rp

    Follow ---V_RuneOfFlame--- For gaming rp :)
  13. ?Nubs
    Lemme get mah hammah
  14. A true gamer drinks Mountain Dew day and night, fanta is the bootleg version of gamer juice and is only good in the summer and something to cool you down.
  15. Follow Jiggy for rp :roll:
    No correcting me ?[/quote]

    Just keep quoting post
  16. Nah war
    The only Mountain Dew I drink is code red
    Regular Mountain Dew is for non badasses
    And also it's like 90 degrees in my house right now,even tho it's winter. So fanta is good for cooling off still
  17. Rune, I'm in Florida as well yet I drink Mountain other drink :lol: Fight me irl :x
    Don't make me bring mi bagpipes m8
  19. Rune, only drink Mountain Dew