The Better Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. ? where'd ya get Mac from
  2. I was confused to ?
  3. Hate

    School or work?
  4. School

    Hamburger or hotdog?
  5. Purple giraffes ?

    Yellow pigeons or pink elephants
  6. Work ( why you hate me )

    Math or English
  7. Pink elephants

    Frog or snake
  8. Math

    Ass or boobs??
  9. ? I havta say rolling pin

    ? sleeping or eating
  10. Already done by me pick new on?
  11. Eating

    Lower or higher
  12. ? I'm too lazy to read through them all. Suck it

    I can't think of another question??
  13. ? higher den a kite

    ? you or me¿ ? either way ya choose me
  14. ?? lazy or suck it ?
  15. ? tea or coffee yo
  16. tea

    Oreo's or twinkkies
  17. Oreos
    Bed or couch 
  18. Bed!
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