Im pretty sure in your mind, these immigrants are South Americans, Middle Easterns and Asians. But you probably forget about illegal immigrants that come from the predominant "white" countries like lets say, Ireland, Scotland, Great Britain, etc (anyone reading gets the point by now). Those people are also immigrants/ illegal immigrants. But does anyone question them or bother to think of them? No, because they are white immigrants which obviously makes it ok right? Not right. But we let it slide anyway because they are white. And im pretty sure Obama can't illegally make the illegals legal. Its either the Congress approves or not. Im pretty sure Obama knows the rules. He is president after all.
Yes but im just clarifying that when most people say illegal immigrants, they usually aren't even thinking about the white illegal immigrants
Unfortunately, you are correct. Point taken.I hope all of us here are talking about all illegal immigrants and not just the ones with different skin tones.
Umm. Kitty, ever heard of Ellis Island? Yea that is where 900,000 immigrants came from all over in the European area (Scotland, England, Finland, Poland, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, etc.). They came here LEGALLY. For the whole time Ellis island was accepting immigrants LEGALLY, only 900,000 came. This is how my family came here, through Ellis Island. These 12 million people are coming here illegally. They are getting free stuff (we have been over this so I won't say it again ) and it's plain wrong. There's no other way around it. When you have broken the law, you have done something wrong, am I right? Now, obama is about to legalize all these aliens, giving them all American freedoms, because they broke the law coming here. Obama is going to legalize all the aliens illegally because the senate will not approve, and he will do it anyway, which is unconstitutional (breaking the law) and an impeachable offense. Also, you are saying that I hate Mexicans. That is not entirely true. I hate what they are doing. They would prefer to sneak across and break the law, then wait their turn, and do it the proper way. And obama is rewarding them for doing so. And now are you saying it's ok for them to be here illegally?
Matt you know some people cant get the papers to come to the us legally? Do you think people would risk there lives to come to the usa to break the law in a country with one of the largest police forces? These people ate coming to the usa to get away from the messed up countries that they lived in. They are no different then your ancestors. Your ancestors just were luck that back then it was easier to get a shot at the american dream. Also the whole hes gonna break the law to do it is way over blown. Have you lost touch with reality or do you just believe extremist articles, because that just wouldn't happen. Your just like the people who ran out and bought guns when Obama was elected because someone told you that he was going to take away your guns. Do se research before blindly believing things.
Op did you even read what kitty said? She didn't say the white immigrants who came to america legally. She asked you about the white immigrants who came to America ILLEGALLY.
Couldn't possibly have said that any better myself. Thank god there are still people who think like you, and not like op.
Gonna be fun watching America destroy itself from the inside out. Lmfao the American voter is so gullible
To Bomb, Obama does not care about the law of this country. He has already said that he would ignore the law to do what he wants if congress does not give him what he wants. It is confirmed that 565 people are messing America up in the name of greed. Now u can agree or disagree. That is the one good thing about America that still exists, for now anyway. Give it a few more years & we may not have that right anymore. Name one other COUNTRY where u can say anything about your leader w/o getting arrested or even killed for it.
If I was president the first thing I do is send everyone who didnt vote for me ointments... CAUSE THEY BE BUTTHURT I WON