Do You Think Obama Will Go Down As Worst President?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matt, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. All the jobs currently run by illegals could be run by homeless / jobless. This would keep our economy just as it is, just adding the fix of homeless/jobless people
  2. I'm not jealous of anyone...especially on a game nor of an ignorant twit
  3. They are raising min wage bc everything else has gotten more expensive. :lol:
  4. Ok just because *some* immigrants committed a crime, does not, in any way at all signify that all immigrants are that way. As has been previously stated nearly all of the immigrants who come to America, legally or illegally, come to make a better life for themselves and their children, a life they couldn't have in their home country. Being a Senior high school student still currently in the American public education system i can tell you that i know other students who's parents brought them here both legally and illegally and either way they work harder than every other student who was born in America. They honestly put the American students to shame and that's perfectly fine with me. So let me ask this, put yourself in a position where you are a very young child in another country, your parents bring you into America, you grow up with everything in America as a typical American child/teen. How would you feel being deported? Your parents brought you to America as a child,you had no choice but to come here,all you know is America. Why should these children be deported to a country they've never experienced, and maybe never even learned the language of that country? Shouldn't these kids deserve the same opportunities as any other in America since they've lived here there entire life?
  5. Yea Obama sucks. Its not even funny with how many trillions of dollars the US is in debt because of him
  6. All the jobs being done by the immigrants could be done by the homeless/ jobless? In a sense you are right, BUT those jobd are mostly janitorial work, dishwashers, toilet scrubbers, totally "bottom of the food chain jobs" so to speak that more than likely those homeless and jobless Americans are too proud to do, they won't do these jobs because they think they are above that. And not to mention the people who are jobless receive government assistance and many of those people abuse that assistance and never bother looking for jobs because your taxes are paying for their joblessness. The immigrants are doing the jobs that virtually no American wants to do, so just let them. Cause i damn sure know i don't want to do their jobs.
  7. We were in trillions of debt before Obama became president, and I couldn't have said it any better kitty
  8. I think we should set a maximum age on being in congress. Why is it that 24/100 senators and 41/435 representatives are over the age of 70. Sure age is experience but at a certain age i think we should retire.
  9. OP seems to have an Obama obsession/fetish  this is like his 4th thread over a span of time, talking about Obama
  10. Bc OP cares about his country, that's a fetish? Grow up.: lol:
  11. But on a serious note, as I was joking before, I think Obama has done a good job for America , he was left with previous presidents burden and he's dealing with them slowly but surely
  12. politics on an app
  13. "Know what's a good idea? Getting political on a video game." - Worst idea ever
  14. It's a forum. People talk in forums. Is it really that hard to believe the adults on this game can have a serious conversation?
  15. Why just blame the presidents? They are not the only ones making decisions.Congress are a big part of making laws and passing them.It is the whole government you should be blaming not just the president he is just a figure head for the government.
  16. I agree. It's not just the Pres. Its the entire government.
  17. It's the same reason that discussing religion isn't such a good idea. It's pretty incendiary as a topic when you're not careful.
  18. The thing is, that's why I detest these forums more and more. We should have the capacity to hold discussions without flaming each other. Over the years these forums have became soft and censored because people don't know how to conduct themselves. Rather than say we shouldn't talk intellectually because someone's feelings might get hurt, we should be AGAINST people getting their feelings hurt and ruining potentially enlightening conversations.
  19. I see no major flaming?