The Club Synergy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BigDaddyDoughBoy, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. First off a big Congrats to Synergy on making it to the  spot. Well deserved by each and everyone of them. Second all the recent posts bashing Synergy are nothing more than a ridiculous joke. I've been a guest in Synergy for a while and by far it is the greatest club i have been apart of. The owner, the admins, the members, and every guest i have run across are the most friendly group of People ive met. So a great thank you to Synergy for making a club that respects you helps you grow and makes you feel welcome. You have all become great friends. My applause to you all!!!
  2. Congrats Synergy
  3. I love you OP!
  4. Great job 
  5. Thanks Niko xo
  6. Synergy, best club ever..
  7. Congratulations!!
  8. GBG you are so sweet thank you :-D
  9. Thank all of you️
  10. The_Leakers was and always will be the best club ever.
  11. Syn dropped to #2
    Lololol that really sucks tbh
    Can't believe I didn't notice this club was #4 tho :eek:
  12. An do we give a damn of there #1?