There you go assuming again. In no way do I believe I am superior to anyone. I just believe that most people do not have common sense. And you are a prime example. If you had just kept your mouth shut or actually used your what little common sense you have, none of this would have happened.
I believe it's spelt whore and I very done nothing wrong. If you have a problem with me, don't use others problems to hide it.
Rina, I do believe he has asked you to leave. Since I'm a noob I don't really know the rules, you know since noob. But I do believe since he asked you to leave and your consistently being harassing you should leave. Have a wonderful night!
I explained that I used a laughing emoji simply because you posted with an alt. Now if you had asked why I laughed, or just explained you were unable to post with a main, I would have apologised. The fact that you felt the need to be rude and swear at me, shows your lack of self control. For the others who seem to think I've done such a terrible thing, I honestly wonder why you believe that when I've said nothing wrong. Enjoy your day lovelies, and next time when you feel the need to create an argument, or try to put me down, I ask you do it directly it makes you seem like less of an attention seeker
But why laugh at someone who chooses to post with an alt that is clearly theirs over their own goodbye thread? Not like he was calling people out or hiding his true identity. You're instigating something by posting that.
like I said, i dont know you, it's an alt, it isn't personal, and it was prepared to apologise. I simply asked that you don't be as disrespectful next time, I'm unsure why this has gone further. @farmed, you might needed to unblock me to comment