Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -invalid-, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I was thinking, ata made it were we can share ec with our partner, we should be able to share money and possibly avatars with your partners, and it would be awesome if you could change color of our name, pink is cool and all but everyone has pink, I'd like to see more colors all over campus and club chat. :) ty for reading please support
  2. Not today Satan.
  3. I agree....

    ...with the other comments.
  4. Nope. Especially the color thing. It'd be annoying, can make you miss important posts, and irritating to the eyes generally. Yeah.

    No support.
  5. I agree
  6. We already can gift ec in a relationship :| think before u type
  7. ^thats exactly what op said....
    Not saying you should think before you type, but...
  9. I read it wrong damn
  10.  Support 
  11. That most definitely is not what op wrote
  12. Just pretend Op wrote it
  13. You did fail pie, not me but thanks for advice, I have advice for you, read clearly before typing.