Racial Rant

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ForeverAlice, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Lol,lexi u can't mind those science stuff that says Lucy was the first woman. Little secret for u Eve was.
  2. All I'm saying is you give respect to get it don't call me black, don't call me African American I was given a name address me by it like why should I even have to put what ethnicity I am when applying for a job. I got turned down in multiple places because of my color yet they hired white people... .-. What I ain't good enough for the hot topic in my town... is it because I wear pink xD meh. Oh well.
  3.  that is true @sexxii
  4. Theres a big difference in having a preferance in men/women and discrimanating me for one im a white male amd prefer dark skin to brown skin women over light skin white etc not discrimanting just my preferance there nothing wrong with liking a certain type but there is something wrong with disliking a certain type just based off of that wheather it be skin coler or anything else
  5. Yes i agree yummy race shoudnt be asked on any job app or anything else thats discrimnation
  6. I love me a white gurl.
  7. Thanks Classy ?
  8. To be honest with u guys,we all have prefrence. Don't judge ppl because they arent attracted to u. If i talked to a female and she says I'm too dark or too fat or to tall,I'd just move on to another. I ccan't be upset be Cause she doesn't find me attractive, just fund someone that does.
  9. CLASS, i disagree, it should be allowed, always and forever.
  10. Hello ? I'm Brianna and my skin color is irrelevant. I think we have all been guilty at some point of judging others. I know I have Ben guilty...but I now try to get to know a person and their characteristics and personality, before I decide I'm not "fond" of them. Yes, you can't help who you are or aren't attracted to, but you don't have to be rude to them just based on their appearance. You may not ever give them a chance to show you who they truly are, because you have this preconceived thought that you aren't attracted to them for whatever reason, but you may only be selling yourself short of having a beautiful and happy relationship or friendship. I will try my best to give any individual a chance and show them kindness, until they give me a reason not to. Regardless of their skin color. That is all, I hope everyone has a wonderful day! 
  11. Lawd all of y'all are only speaking on that one topic... attraction. Let's move past that cause we all agree you have that certain atrraction to a person blah blah blah...

    Are y'all forgetting about personality. So what if you've been talking to this girl or guy for quite a while neither of you showed a face said your race and it was all built up on personality... you finally meet and he's a skinny Caucasian red neck (not the your black let's hang you kind either) and she's a voluptuous(thick) dark skin... will you still feel that same as you did before or because of they way that person looks would you have second thoughts because of the way they look.

    ._. That's the stuff that kills me.
  12. Well said brianna
  13. Brianna, I'm not rude but I am guilty of being blunt. If I'm not attracted to u you'll know,not in a rude way or one that makes u feel bad. But I disagree with u,y should I force myself to date someone that I have no attraction to. I'm not missing out on anything,If I don't like you,I don't like u . Weather inside your really sweet, cool, funny, and maybe even the sweetest person I've ever met.
  14. If she ain't got ass, we can't be talkin.

    But yeah, racism sucks
  15. Smh... todays society...
  16. Sadly regardless how feel about a personality or how sweet nice they are or whatever if the 2 dont have any attraction what so ever phyiscally than its a up hill battle
  17. I'm just saying I'm the type to make it work. And that's me personally. But at least y'all are honest.
  18. Sorry to burst your bubble natsu but I'm a Christian so I believe that eve was the first woman too, the first woman in Africa ️? #SwaggyOrNah
  19. I'm green
  20. Eve was white.