White** auto correct kills me.... xD any other errors I do apologize on. Also sorry if I jump around I get distracted and mumble off topic xD
White ppl made a online petition for a annual black ppl perge. It had over a million ppl that supported it. Js
That still stands up to what i'm saying. Not giving someone a chance because of their skin. He did what he wanted with his body and his skin, and now you won't give him a chance. That pisses me off. Some people are only skin deep and that's all there is to be said.
When people say they'd never date someone who's Italian, I say never say never. Everyone has preferences, but don't deny yourself interaction with someone you're attracted to because you feel that because of some preconceived notion you don't or shouldn't date "enter any physical trait a person could possess" And if in every instance that quality turns you off, then so be it. If you're sincerely not attracted to that person then fine. Can't change that.
Way too many people here are treating racism and stereotyping as the same thing and drawing incorrect comparisons from that. Stereotyping occurs from racism, you can't use them together like that.
Also I'd like comment on something else. Why do u call black ppl that live in America African americans, even though generations of their father's have been living there for so long. Americans originally came from Britain, Why are they not called British American. Just food for thought
Wait. What do people call black people in other countries. Cuz I mean there are probably black peoples in foreign countries that have no known ties to Africa.... So are they just black or is there another term?
Apples thats not what I'm getting at. Logically I'd say when British came to America they brought there slaves with them. So It's safe to assume they were both there at the same time. So Is the terms African Americans used for blacks.
The thing is, I call black people black? What's so wrong calling them black when we get called white? If they want to be called African American then we should be called Caucasian... There's no difference in my opinion. So idk why people get offended when you call then black or white
I'm black your white, bro to be honest I don't think that bothers much ppl. How else would u describe someone or call them. You use distinctive features and color is one of them.