Who called you a monster i called you ignorant and we arent one to judge anybody and tbh some people deserved to be murdered you never know circumstances behind these victoms
My bad I misread that, my point is they should have no special rights no one deserves to be murdered in cold blood I don't give a flying fuck what you do. But if your willing to end someone's life you deserve to have yours ended as well.
Clayton Locketts last meal request here in Oklahoma It was denied since it was over the 18 dollar minimum we allow for death-row. He was served a steak from a steak house and wasn't happy with it so he went without. in case you wanna know what he did to get on death row he shot a 19 year old twice and had his accomplice bury her alive while he raped her best friend. But he got what he deserved in my opinion when the execution failed, wound up dying of a massive heart attack. This is in fact my opinion of why they deserve to eat what everyone else gets, and nothing special. He didn't deserve it and neither did his victims.
Its different circumstances in every case and yes in ones like that your right but in my eyes some people deserved to be killed again all depends on circumstances
Anya has a stick up her ass, as usual. Always has to try and act like she's bigger than everyone else. ?
Okay well I can definitely agree with rare cases they don't. ? but I don't think they deserve a special last meal, I think they should get what everyone else eats then we'll you know kiss their ass goodbye.
There's plenty of people who deserve to be killed/die. Don't care what you say. Also, OP's so full of it. As usual. Yet y'all add gas to the fire and give him attention. Great job.
Read the OP, I'm not trawling through pages of reading though to say this so apologies if it's already been said. I find it amazing how someone as hard as you, excon, fighting everyday etc. enjoys to play such a lovely game like PimD everyday. I can only imagine your homies fully back you and your PimD life.