EliteSkinz some people are so dumb to understand it They just forget the name of game and talk about a button in it and critisize each and every new feature yet first one to adopt them.
The name of the game was party in my dorm well before parties were even released , and if you want to be technical by the point of the name having party in it , it also has dorm in it. Obviously you're not partying in your dorm , you party in your club which makes that statement irrelevant, nor does that really explain why there are less wars . Part of the reason there are less wars is due to there being a larger incentive for many to do parties. But what do I know, just too dumb , I've already forgotten the name of the game I'm on ?
Gets called out for being an A fam groupie then trys to downplay it๎๎ Face it youre obsessed bruhhh its cool dont be so mad
๎ I honestly don't see why all of these updates are something to fuss about ? yes it can be considered "overpowered" to "date" a person who's on a completely different level of stats than you so you can farm people etc. but if you really like the game, stick through it and prove your loyalty rather than abandoning the ship just for a simple fire on deck