Love Troubles

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by KittyCat88-3, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Alrighty, I'm going to try to update this weekend. I'm going to my fathers, so it may be difficult. But I'll try.
  2. Im sure your next update will be amazing 
  3. Ugh, gotta bump my own story
  4. Alright, I'm going to try to update this weekend. I'm not sure if I'll get a change, but I really hope to. It makes me so depressed to think that this story will die. It means too much to me, however I'm finding it hard to continue. It's not entirely writers block, but sort of is... I'm not sure. I want to start writing more stories but I don't want to start any more here until this ones done. But I may add some to (not sure if we're forbidden to say it or not so Ill play it safe) "it starts with a w and ends with pad". I've recently made an account and have been reading some stories. Please continue to have faith that I'll be updating whenever I can. I appreciate all of you and I hope that you'll continue reading along the way. Thank you all
  5. I'm really hoping to update soon. However, I've recently started a new story on WattPad. It's a really different story. I will not post the name of it, as I haven't decided on a name and I haven't posted any of it yet, but I feel like it's a big priority of mine. I'm rarely on PIMD now. However, I will do my best to continue to update every once in a while. I appreciate any readers who continue to read any updates.
  6. Alright, so I don't know how well this story will work out because I've changed my style of writing. But..... Meh. If enough people want me to, I'll... (Ugh I hate to say it) I'll stop this story and write a new one...

    ~~~~Love Troubles~~~~

    Ally's POV

    When I woke up, Alex wasn't there. I freak for a moment, but I trust him so I calm down. Probably going to talk to Michael. I sit around for a while then decide I should try to call Mom. I pick up the hospital room phone and type in her cell phone number.

    "Hey, this is Brandi. How may I help you?"

    "...Hey, Mom..."

    "Ally? Oh my gosh, how are you?! I-I'm so sorry I haven't visited. My job made my go on a business trip and-"

    "I know Mom, a hospital bill is a lot of money..."

    "Oh honey I love you so much. I was so scared..."

    "I love you too Mom. Michael's in the hospital now too... But, I don't want to get into details."

    "Tell him that I hope for him to get better soon. I love you, Ally. Tell Alex I love him. I have to go."

    "Alright Mom. I love you too. Talk to you soon."

    "Bye, darling."

    I sigh as I hang up. The conversation drained me. I want to write a letter to Michael and have a nurse take it to him, as I obviously can't go. So I take out my little notepad and pen and begin to write in my sloppy cursive handwriting:
    Dear Michael,
    I love you. Lets just start there. I'm still so angry at Alex for what he did to you, but you forgave him so I do too. I'm going to see you soon, and no one will stop me. But the most important thing for you to know is that I love you. Always remember that.
    ~Forever and Always, Love Ally

    I press the 'call nurse button' and within a few minutes, one has arrived. I hand her the letter and say, "Can you please give this to Michael Daniel?" She nods and leaves again. Aaaaaand.... I'm alone again.


    Alex's POV

    I decided that I needed to pay Michael's mother a visit. Then his father. I drove to Michael's old house and knocked on the door. His mother answered the door and said "Oh, hello my dear! How may I help you?"

    "I'm grabbing Michael's stuff. He's staying with us, however he's in the hospital right now. He has asked me to being his belongings," I say with a curt voice.

    Her expression hardens but she doesn't say no. She nods once and lets me inside. It doesn't take long for me to pack up the few belongings Michael has. I brought them back to our house and grabbed a few things I thought he'd want. Next thing on my list, I'll call his father.


    Well..... This really isn't my style of writing anymore. I write more supernatural and creepy things combined with a bit of romance now. If you would like me to write a new story with my new style of writing, let me know.
  7. Yay you updated! :) I would love to see you finish this story whenever you can. And yes, I would like to see a new story with your new writing style. Please keep it up.
  8. Its really good still!
  9. Howdy LT readers. I just figured I need to explain myself.

    I've started writing a new story (chapter 31 bro!) and am going to post it on WattPad and, if possible, get it published. It is my main priority after school.

    I also have another story that I've promised a good friend of mine that I'll write. You see, my new style of righting is mystery, slight romance, horror, and (I hope y'all understand) Creepypasta. So she really wants me to make a creepy pasta story with myself as the main character.

    That's another thing; my change I'm writing style. It's causing a lot of problems for me.

    Upon all of this, my iPod has shattered even more and is glitching WAY too much. Sometimes, I have to turn my screen sideways to hit the 'n' or the 'I' but when it's sideways, I can't hit the 'd'. It's taking me nearly half an hour to write this message... My iPod also doesn't respond correctly. I'll hit a button at the top of my screen and it will register at the bottom of the screen. Like, when I try to hit the 'notifications' it hits the 'world chat' button. It's... Horrible...

    And lastly... My emotions have run haywire. I'm being forced to make huge decisions, I'm not wanting the job that my half of my parents (I have my mom, dad, stepdad, and dad's girlfriend) want me to have, I barely talk to people, I've just learned that a person I consider a friend has passed away, I don't get many chances to talk to a guy that means so much to me... The list goes on and on.

    So yeah, I haven't updated a lot. I apologize profusely for that. But please understand my reasoning. You guy have been SO kind to me and pardon me if you feel that I've been rude for not updating. I feel so much better now because at least I have explained myself.

    Thank you to those who understand and I'm sorry for those who done.
  10. It's aight
  11. Hey I'm a new reader, I've read the story and would like to see an end to it. Hopefully everything goes well for you, best of luck
  12. Hey guys! This is Cat! I've had to make a new account, seeing as my iPod was reset and I wanted to start anew! I hope to continue this story, even though I'm using this new account. I will personally be able to wall my readers (thank god) so that will be nice. I'm apprehensive about this story still, since my style is more horror and such now. But, ill try. Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far!
  13. So guys, I've gotten myself into a predicament. I know, I really should be writing this story. I have a few excuses for not updating, but that's all I think of them as; excuses. There's the fact that I've been reading many many fan fictions off of Quotev and (wait for it...) I am writing fourteen other stories... I switch between each of the other fifteen mostly when I write. I have nine on my iPod and five that I am hand-writing. The only other reason I could say for not writing this particular story is that I am not on pimd often enough. I get on maybe once or twice a month. Usually less. And that is because I am having tremendous family and academic issues (mostly family...). And lastly, I've mentioned this several times before, I am having troubles writing this specific story. I have changed my writing style by a wide margin and I cannot seem to find any inspiration for this story. It makes me so upset, because I promised myself and you guys that I would finish this story. Maybe I'll post one of my other stories eventually, I don't know. But, that is all I have to say for now. Thank you for your time and I sincerely apologize for not updating in so long.
  14. God, and I need to mention the fact that my health hasn't been well, either. I need new glasses, I was sick for a week, I cannot sleep, and I've been extremely dizzy 24/7 since December twenty-second (I passed out in a public place). And my emotions have not gotten any better since last time I sent out an explanation. If anything, it has gotten worse in a sense.

    That is all, LT readers. I'm so sorry.
  16. 1234567890

  17. Update plzzz and wall me when u do xxxxx best wishes xxx