To everyone that is quiting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iLunaGivePaperCuts4Fun, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. See you in a week - a month.
    Have fun on your alts and being in pm on your mains waiting to return to see if anyone missed ya.
  2. sure they are in another game. lol
  3. Nice status, bitch boy. ?
  4. Just so you know a fuck boy is someone who rides a male.. Also known as a stan
  5. Lol. That is probably true though. Support.
  6. Op is right most people will say that then come back here
  7. I'm actually leaving ?
  8. ^Why are you still here? :lol:
  9. Don't try make this about you chippy
  10. Chippy makes everything about him
  11. Well said old chap
  12. ?What is a game without its players??
  13. Trying bb code
  14. ._. A game without it's players is still a game...
  15. yup and what happens to the game without a player? i wonder what will happen...