after 3 years of playing I think it's finally time to say goodbye [/color some of you may have know me as "IHaveCandyGetInTheVan", "iiiaceofspadesiii", "x-melon-x" or "barcode" Anyway, I feel this game has gone too far down hill and this button was just the icing. If ATA decide to stop being money leaching bastards who actually care for it's players, they would do something, but evidently not. in addition so many of my friends on here have left the game, its just not the same as it was with them playing. Fuck ATA. ATA, DON'T YOU THINK ITS TIME TO CHANGE YOUR WAYS? YOU'VE LOST MODS, PAYING PLAYERS, NEW PLAYERS USUALLY QUIT WITHIN A DAY. your company will soon to be on the verge of collapse. Nobody will play games by companies that fuck up 24/7 or companies that are known for shutting games down 24/7 it'll be the third game shut down see what it's doing? [size] Excuse any fails. Peace️