relationship idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by H3R_GU4RD14N, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Nuff said. Ty for your input.
  2. No support
  3. We considered cash gifting when designing the relationship feature. However as the rate that you gain cash increases as you grow in PIMD we felt it was impossible to reasonably balance. Even with limits, a large player could gift what they would consider insignificant amounts to small players allowing them to jump days, weeks or months of growth.
  4. :? That makes sense
  5. Loooolol
    Cat cafe lets you do the exact same thing!
  6. Yeah but Frozen (ily<3) at least it takes some time to grow with cc. That idea will mean they could Lcbc in a day :?
  7. Yes pimd. That's why u have to be in a relationship with that person and u put a Max cap on it to avoid rapid growth.
  8. That's true rose. (Ily2bby<33333)
  9. So unlimited dns werent bad enough?
  10. Gain gold? ATA knows their own games well...
  11. Nothing like giving away free gold to your main using your alt
  12. If ur in a relationship and want to waste 79 EC to change relationship make ata money 
  13. I will post on every 1st of the month. And developers will surely like my post :)