We can system if you wanna but Im not resetting thats just dumb as shit especially since I dont have 5 accounts But if you got something you wanna prove then by all means Ill be in a made club and will respond when off work
What tf would resetting prove? You already said you have multiple accounts so resetting may not matter to you. And even so it wont take from the fact that I still consider you and the mags a bunch of pansies my opinion wont change so you can either enter my nf or drop it cause your tough guy act aint scaring anyone
I won't enter your newsfeed because then all of the A fam will enter mine and if ur so badass then beat me and make me reset my account lol
I'm surprised this isn't locked yet we took this way off topic. PS I'm not a mag member nor have I ever been one. I was in TL back when both those clubs ran pimd lol
No respect for the insurance salesman, if you want to talk mess, good. Talk but don't go back to club chat asking for help.
Noone can "make" you reset. If some fake ass code of honor or whatever makes you think that then thats your business not mine But This tea sure good tho Im in my own club no Ascension or punkass Mags no relationship stat boost so Ill say one last time cause Im not down with all this debate shit. Spam my feed or nah Im waiting
Like I said before if I can't strip farm you and you won't reset I'm not gonna waste my time hitting someone who has their money hidden
Deck you are so stupid n the biggest fool and 2 faced dork. Go max ur credit card again thinking ur gonna clean up acension. Go buy another account like u did pretending to be mag on the _-M4GN1F1C3NT-_ account. go get a little more brain washed like pun did u. Get a life. That club Is dead as dead can be n it will never b what it wasLMFAO! I'm done speaking here. if u don't like what I said, kiss my ass.