The Change you want..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Justin, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. I'm boycotting xD all requests get rejected  We gotta be the change if we wanna see the change (think Obama said that once?)
  2. Nothing's going to happen if the community as a whole doesn't step up. Which isn't going to happen because whenever we try to boycott, pimd will just add an increased payout on cat cafe and the whole thing is ruined. 
    It's not only ata that's money hungry, it's the players too.
  3. Too true  those numb nuts know how to get the players attention...That's why they always win. Every time a new feature comes in everyone freaks out and tries to boycott then nothing happens, all the hate dies down and pimd goes back to it's usual self again. It's a viscous cycle
  4.  it is sad to see...  looks like I'm going to be forced to play CoC after all
  5. Change 'relationship' to 'schoolmate' or 'school buddy' 
  6. Well actually I think their earnings from cat sales are reduced already because people are doing pro parties to hunt for free drops. Back to back cc clubs around have reduced significantly. I suggest we frustrate the devs and they ban us or shut it down 
  7. The problem is not with the people who are accepting all the new features, but with those guys like ASScesions who have double standards.
  8. Are you butthurt bruh? ?
  9. No lol, if you see the posts on them on Relationship thread and their profile page., you can easily see the double standards.
  10. That's called you don't want to lose out. I'm as critical as them on the new relationship feature so why do I still want to get into one?
  11. They asked us to hold back our comments and so we did, some more grudgingly than the others. So now that the feature is rolled out its inevitable that the comments will keep coming.

    Ata has, like honey said, made the game less attractive and addicting than it previously was and I kinda thank them for it!!!  playing less is to our benefit so we need to say thank you ata 
  12. @ pimd when r u releasing the feature for babies n how many ec it will cost to get baby formula n diapers?

  13. I think it's funny people said they'll join if the movement takes off. Are you a follower? If you really believed in what OP was saying you'd just do it now. Not wait for others to join.
  14. Spending money has always been part of the game... There's always been sfws and ppl who spend a huge amount of money to climb ranks. Stopping the income won't happen. Yes, I am doing cc parties ( to keep up) and yes I'm using the relationship feature (RL bf and I both do) . But, my friends can tell you, I'd be one of the first to stand beside a movement to bring back the old ways. Maybe diverting the cash we are spending from new ata ideas to dns for old school 24hr wars... I am also not as active and am losing interest in the new ways.. Who knows lol these new players that are higher ranked than me may even like being hit once they are shown how we used to do things rather than crying over a few bl hits 
  15. Dormy lady, I hold you responsible for how miserable I'm feeling about all this at the moment ?
  16. Isn't this new feature aimed more at the rpers? And if so then are we all too late to make a stand as rp took over a few months ago.

    Just saying.
  17. i think it's aimed at all the people that are in relationships here and they just added a twist to it which is the stat bonus you get from your partner
  18. Ahli... What did I do? 
  19. I don't know what we can really do to devs to get their attention, whatever we do, devs seem to go in favor of parties, or anything that'll make money for them.

    But if you have any ideas, I'll support