Moderators. Pin them all. Including your friends. Make a statement. They don't listen after a few months. Honor students. Cat clubs.. You guys make any difference you want. Lol.
Here's my idea. Play a different game. This game sucks lol. I only log on sometimes. But I must admit I haven't seen anything interesting in a long time on this forum. Stop being a complaining blabber mouth. But then again that's what this game is about. Bs talk, lame parties, no strategy required what so ever. On top of itit's the biggest money pit n ur dumb asses love spending on here. If ur gonna hurt someone, hurt their wallet. Quit. Or only chat. Don't even party....if ur here cuz u have friends that is. Otherwise if ur yapping away n spamming ec ur just another lover of lamedrama. Anyway I've said what I had to. If u don't like it kiss my ass.
Yea ppl love this game mad bruh? Ppl like Justin been here a long time and put into this game not knowing that their money would be spent to make "improvements" Why stop playing when we can make a change?
I'm sure the mods are already working hard enough making sure the game runs smooth and keep players occupied with hunts and new avatars. If we do this they just might shut down the game due to the protests. Would you be happy then? I wouldn't.
Not buying ec,dns or anything Chanhimg my stauts massege and no cc or ppa parties Ata its time you heard us..We are now joining together to be heard
Besides, if we start to lower their income they won't be able to run the game and not give you what you want.
By stop partying/paying/playing the game ata will most likely just shut it down. I suggest look at what you're saying again and decide whether or not you want to destroy your own game or not. I'm not saying I'm for or against just stating the obvious.
How does farming Mods help anything? Not purchasing dn and ec is what will impact ata because it hurts their income. They don't really care what interpersonal situations develop in the game so long as they make their money.
This game has long since stopped being the "game I love". I woke up today and realized what a mistake I was making spending my hard earned cash on a game that isn't fun anymore and doesn't listen to it's players.