guide for free ec's

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lay-z3, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. I'm literally devastated.
    You don't even realise how much my heart is breaking right now.
  2. But with an alt that you made foe this purpose would it matter? They can't prove that it's your alt ;) so main would be safe
  3.  well have fun then! 
  4. I haven't updated yet lol so I can't ;) plus I don't have another device lmao just letting ppl know,

    And rose I'm sorry :( I'm sure you'll get a green name one day just keep up the fake **** you do to get there :)
  5. nice guide z ?
  6. This guy is too stupid to insult
  7. You have no insults dry lunch ;)

    Also this is a guide fo free ec use it or don't I'm jus simply telling ppl about it :)
  8. If the person you're in a relationship with resets, does the relationship get reinstated upon the person plays again or is it s breakup?
  9. They have woke up

    In b4 lock?
  10. Why lock it :(

    **** if anything they should mod me :D
    Seen as tho they are down a mod now ;)
  11.  so helpful ?
  12. Lol free ec for everyone :)
  13. 21!
  14. I believe it would work just not worth the effort
  15. sooo original, wish i thought of it first
  16. But you didn't so :) you're welcome lol
  17. a new way, im already in rs so i cant yse this guide