hw to recover a account

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -bbd-, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. I lost my acc my main due to unexpected error… once pimd stopped n my acc gt delinked frm my ph n new acc gta attched to it…

    Idk what do now
    Can any1 help me
  2. Email support with your username, name of game and problem
  3. Email support@athinkingape.com
    • With your:
    • Username
    • Game (PimD)
    • And the problem
    You will get an email back saying they have received your email. You will then have to wait at most 24 hours for a reply from them.
  4. Haha want mod much?
  5. I was answering OP's question¿
  6. What would actually be helpful would be if you could tell her yourself ;)

    And my guess is unless you saved your account with ata you won't be able to get it back
  7. Firstly am a guy nt a gal n yes i linked my acc to ata n fb both
  8. If you linked your account you should be able to link to your new device as long as you remember your username and password; if not then you would need to e-mail support as previously stated.