The Hard Life. (story)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DemiDemi2, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. Wall me when updated?
  2. I'll be updating soon, hopefully. I just haven't been feeling it.
  3. Chapter 5

    Andrea ran up and I quickly yelled out "don't come up here, please sweetie!" I quickly threw down everything and started walking downstairs. "C'mon. Let's go to your new home." I smiled big, trying to distract myself from what I saw. Dildos, Condoms, Vibrators, and so many more terrible things.
    She giggled and starting running towards her front door. I came up after her and scooped her up like ice cream, and we began walking back to my house.
    We were at Andreas house for about 30 minutes so while we were there my dad went to go get some movies for us, and made us popcorn. "Thanks dad." I smiled up at him. "Thank you Mr. Funsar." Andrea giggled and began nomming on popcorn. It was too cute how she pronounced my last name. You're supposed today Funn-Sarr but instead she said Foon-Sir.
    Andrea laid down on the couch and watched a Barbie movie, she sang along to every song. I love this girl! I giggled as she danced with them, too. "Elle you wanna join?" I smiled and stood up, beginning to dance with her.
    After about 6 or so songs my dad was asleep in his room, and Andrea was asleep on my lap, I couldn't sleep so I just kept watching the movie. I heard the weirdest knock.
    I gently put Andrea off of my lap, paused the movie and opened the door slightly. The most handsome boy and what appeared to be his little sister stood before me. "Hello?" I did my best to speak quiet to not disturb Andrea.
    "um hello. My name is Nick Almon and this is my sister, Lucy. We're lost and were wondering if you by any chance can direct me to the nearest homeless shelter or let me borrow a phone?" He sounded like he was about to burst into tears.
    I opened the door a bit more and let them in. "Thank you" He mumbled, and looked over at Andrea.
    He punched in a few numbers and started talking on the phone, mumbling words."okay, thanks. Thanks. Yeah."
    He smiled slightly at me and walked out.

    I wonder what happened to him, why he came here.
  4. Nice update! Wall me when updated again, please
  5. Update plz
  6. Chapter 6

    The next day the boy came back. And the next. And the next. Asking me questions like "what's your name" or "how old are you" my dad got worried everytime the boy came over, and I told him that I knew the boy even though I don't technically.

    I feel like I'm being stalked...

    He came again, when I was alone. He didn't bring his little sister this time, which really creeped me out.
    He smiled at me as I opened the door. I was wearing my shorts and a sports bra, no makeup.
    He looked more mysterious than ever.. He was wearing all black, which again, creeped me out.
    "May I come in Ella?"
    His voice was quiet and disturbing..
    Ghost like..

    I didn't want to be rude, so I let him in. Maybe he's a good person once you get to know him?
    I led him to my sofa.
    "what would you like to do..... Oh, I never asked your name."
    I smiled at him.


    "Well, Andy. What would you like to do?"

    He scooted closer to me, and I had no where to go but either off of the couch or more to the side. I moved, but he kept scooting closer. It repeated until I was squished against the arm of the couch.

    "It's been a while since I met someone as beautiful as you, Ella."

    My eyes widen. Okay. I'm super creeped out.
    I try to stand up, but he pulls me right back down , tugging violently on my wrist.

    "What the f---?!"
    I kept trying to get away, he started climbing ontop of me so I couldn't move. I tried screaming for help, but he covered my mouth. He started taking off his jacket.

    Oh my god, what's happening?!

    He stared grinding against my stomach, as he starts to unbuckle his belt. I try screaming again.
    No use.
    Once hes in his boxers he pulls ductape out of his pocket before throwing it on the ground. He tapes my mouth shut and keeps grinding as he removes my bra. He leans down and cups my breasts in his hands.

    He smacked me across the face and I started crying.
    He started kissing and sucking on my neck, slowly moving his lips down so hes kissing my breasts.

    Someone help me...

    Too soon, he's naked, and I'm naked. I'm still trying to get away. Im NOT giving my virginity to this sicko.
    I reach for the phone as I start pulling the tape off.
    I get smacked again.
    He goes to the kitchen quickly and gets a knife.
    He layer me flat on my back and started kissing my lips through the tape.

    Next thing I know I'm in deep pain. He's moaning.

    God, I'm so scared.
    I cry more, hoping my dad will come soon, or someone. ANYONE.

    Soon, everything went black.
  7. Continuee 
  8. Oh my 0-0 wall me when updated, please
  9. Hey all. It's the author on a new account. Wondering if I should continue this?

    I wake up after what seems like forever.. He's still here. I groan quietly in pain, unable to remember much of what happened. I try to open my eyes, but it feels like they're glued shut. I eventually open them, looking down at myself. My arms are tied behind my back and there's still duct tape on my mouth. He's over in the kitchen, cooking. He looks over and smirks.

    "Good morning, Ella."

    I try to wiggle my arms free, but he soon comes over to stop me, smiling creepily. He pulls up the corner of the tape.

    "If I remove this will you scream?"

    I shake my head no, gasping slightly in pain as he rips the tape off. I'm so pissed right now. Somehow I pull out the guts to spit on him, realizing that probably will turn him on even more. He chuckles and wipes the spit off of him, rubbing his finger against my arm, making me cringe as I feel my saliva rub against me. He puts the tape back and sighs, walking back to the kitchen.

    "Oh Ella. Haven't you heard? You should never antagonize the one who is stronger. In case you haven't noticed, sweetie, you're tied up. I can do whatever I want to you. So I suggest you don't do that next time."

    My eyes begin to water as I look away from him, infuriated with my self for ever letting him into my home. Where is Andrea and my dad? I need them to come home..

    "Would you like some eggs Ella? They're scrambled.. I saw a note from your father saying 'I made your favorite, scrambled eggs' so I figured I'd be a gentleman and make your favorite breakfast."

    I groan angrily through the tape, looking through the mostly covered window. Please, dad. Come home.

    "Though I prefer fried eggs. I suppose scrambled will have to suffice. Are you hungry, Ella? I'd be shocked if you weren't.."

    I sigh, still trying to wiggle free from the restraints. Why does he want me when there is plenty of women?

    He comes over to me, holding a plate of eggs as he removes the tape, putting some egg unto my mouth.

    "Don't do anything stupid Ella, I'm still more able at the moment."

    I open my mouth as he feeds me a bite, crying quietly to myself. Someone help..
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