I have no clue if this has been thought of before.Don't leave hate... So I was thinking. Clubs put a ban list on their walls so admins know to not let that person in. So how about in the accept/deny options add a ban? or put a option somewhere to ban a player from your club? Also allowing it to be set for days. or hours or what ever people prefer. Also having a perm ban so the ban never comes off.. Having a ban list to unban perm banned players would be nice.... Bear with my guys I know I am not wording this well but I am half asleep and that is when I get most of my ideas. So what do you guys say? Club ban options and list? Saved room on your club walls and shows all admins that player is banned. with no max.. Once again sorry for the sucky way I presented this I am half asleep and trying to get this down before I forget
It's a good idea. And it will things much easier What if a person got perm banned and now is fine with the club. Should an owner or admin be able to remove the ban? Otherwise a very smart idea I support
Yes Rina. I put clan by accident due to rushing. It would have options to ban player from the club for a certain amount of time or permanently.There would also be a list that only owner and admins can open to remove a banned player from the ban list or see how long the player is banned for. Also everyone any add ons to this idea with your support would be nice
Yeah Enselina (sorry if I spelt it wrong) that is what I was implying but worded it bad. A list to unban players would also be added in the idea