So, as most of you may know, I am perm silenced. However, since Im not all that popular, You may not. But I have been the center of attention for one club: Evolution_Adapt Or Perish. I was attacked by someone in there club called " LilTopaz-_-20 " and I decided to return hits. I have the screenshots to prove it so she can not deny. After returning hits on Topaz, The noob clan decides to cry and run to WC to announce a "Open farm on xXxRavenAlpxXx" or " Open farm on xXxRavenAlpxXx. He is perm silenced. Farm him" So, I have a list of people that are on my list. And I hope they know, I dont care about virtual money, but the fact that they cant handle a battle list hit x1 on one of their players, Shows that they are party fairies. So, These are the people Im going for: ( I have no problem with rest of clan so they are spared unless they wanna get involved). Brae21_ (Owner) Called an open farm on me. I_DYLAN_R3SP3CT_ALL_LADIES (MEMBER) Called an open farm on me. LilTopaz-_-20 (MEMBER) Lied to the club and never mentioned she hit me. And last but not least KatieBug94 (MEMBER) No real reason but I feel she will get involved. So sorry to anyone who thinks this is a stupid forum but Im just trying to remind these faires of what the game is about. And, I am perm silenced so they are taking advantage. So Evolution, See you soon. (Sorry for spelling mistakes if any or gramatical errors)
Hmm informative? :roll: Just remember that this is basically what this game is about, and that you are only made to seem silly when posting such rant threads. Take it like a man, yo. They'll give up when they realise you don't care. :mrgreen:
But I dont care lol. Im not ranting. Im just playing the game as usual and letting them know that they dont scare me. (Perm silenced so cant post to them haha.) Ty for advice though.
Allright. Ill post once again for the intellectually challanged. I am not crying. I am informing the club that I have seen what they have done. (Im PERM silenced, so there is no way to tell them in PM. Thats why I resorted to forums.) I posted in off topic, So its not exactly doing any harm.
Dude wtf u talking abt u saw me posting for party help on world chat then u decided to pick on me nd i think it's cause of my username u got jealous just cause i have a fancy username.. Buhahaha but hey u can do what u want this game is not my life i only come here to meet new people nd have a good time making friends is more fun then hate u should try it sometines ξξξ
1) Not looking for any support so yeah. 2) Why would I be jealous of a name a 5 y/o could come up with. Then you go post in WC "Open farm: xXxRavenAlpxXx"? If you have a problem, 1v1 me. Dont ask others to do it for you.
Smh by the way I'm owner if you can read club wall. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding but any issues you may have with these so called "fairies" are my club mates and will be dealt with through me.
Lol thanks SpitFire XD. He sounds wipped with that name. Why can noone take hits on PIMD? They invented the battle button for a reason. And dylan, 1-3 hits isnt bullying. Bullying is like 100-300 hits. Thats how you know I want your money.
Suck it up princess. That's the way they choose to play, so let them. Are they supposed to be scared of you because you can make a thread? Deal with it on your own, most people don't care about your "list" :lol:
Ok chris, get your club in check. Especially since those fairies are lying about me farming for no reason. If one of you members hit me and I return, the rest shouldnt ask why. Just saying.
Lmao get my club in check why don't you get yourself checked and deal with your shit on your own if you have a list then so be it you shouldn't have to explain yourself.
Someone seems a little butthurt lmao You dont seem to be able to take a hit either by making a thread and 'ranting' like a child lol