Beyond Normal~A Reactions Story

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -OS-Vance_TheIrishLad-LEGEND-, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Dear Reader, I hope you enjoy this story project I have made. I have been working on it for a good month now, reading numerous books, watching movies, all to find the perfect formula. Yes that sounded really, really nerdy but what harm! Please join me and take a seat in my caravan for a story filled with romance, comedy and maybe even some suspense... Maybe. I would appreciate if even one person would read this, that would make my day. I would solely write a sequel to this project to the people who read this, because there support makes me write! I would like to have honest opinions about the story telling me if it's good/bad but I will improve! Or you can just give me a quick thumbs up of how I'm doing! Some people may say this story is mainstream but isnt everything becoming mainstream? Let me stop talking and I'll stop wasting your precious time and I'll let you read my story. And please, enjoy it :) ~from your "noobie" writer, Reactions.

    -My main goal for you, the reader is for you to enjoy it and to give you enough content that you won't be asking for more and more.. Hopefully.-

    ~ Chapters will be released every Monday to Friday at 9:00pm GMT. On the weekends its will be posted 10:30pm GMT (I'll try post it at those times but those times aren't a guarantee). Ps: PimD may cut out a bit of the some of the chapters in the story because it may be too long so if it happens the other bit of the story will be copy and pasted and put here.

    Beyond Normal


    Bright red. The only colour known to man in this strange world. Strobes of light of different shades of red beamed passed smoky dull, red clouds, letting the clouds separate left and right revealing a strong ray of white

    In the fine streets of Dublin, taxis roam the streets. Their bumblee colours stood out the most in the rush hour.

    "Seán" a man cried. "SEÁN!"

    Seán woke up feeling as if he had been electrocuted. His chocolate brown hair sticking out in every direction really does make him look as if he got electrocuted.

    "Wha- what is it?" He said faintly, as if he was about to die.

    "Get ready we're almost there buddy."

    This was going to be a new chapter in Sean's life. Him moving to New York. After being 17 in the local orphanage in Dublin, Oprhans were allowed to move out. Seán was given enough money for food and rent for 2 months. He had brought clothes he had from the orphanage coming to New York. He had thought long and hard about this desicion and he felt it was the right thing to do.

    "Airport in 5 minutes." Sean's friend had said. He was giving Seán a lift to Dublin airport.

    "Its been fun Johnny! But now the stallion rides alone"

    "Why bother.."

    "Why bother what?" Seán said while fixing his hair, making it the exact replica of Zayn Malik's hairstyle.

    "Y'know.. Go to America, go to school there. What's wrong here?" Johnny said while spinning the wheel to the right.

    "I've said this already. This place has nothing for me anymore. I have too much bad memories here."

    "Yeah but.. Time will heal"

    "It won't this time Johnny..."

    "So you're saying running away and hiding in America will help, yeah?"


    "Jesus Christ.." Johnny says shaking his head in laughter and in disappointment.

    The broken down piece of junk of a car stained in blue pulled right in front of a colossal building that is Dublin airport. Glass panes covered the place making it look like a jar full of candy. But instead of candy, it's people. Johnny helped Seán carry luggage into the airport. Seán was holding baggage in one hand, phone in the other and a backpack on his back, making him look like the complete traveller. While behind Seán was Johnny struggling with the other three quarters of Seán's luggage. Johnny was trying to balance a bag on his head while he hugged three in one arm and two with the other, kicking one more while walking. " Watch the luggage please " Seán says smirking not looking behind him but still know Johnny's status.

    " I really want to uppercut you now.. " Johnny says still kicking the bag but with a bit more power this time.

    " I'll miss you too "

    In the space of 30 minutes Seán checks in all his luggage except for his backpack which contained his most valuable possessions such as his phone, his laptop and a picture of his parents and a few pairs of socks. Seán then approaches the end of the line with Johnny.

    " So.. " Johnny says lightly kicking the air while his lips emphasises on that 'o'.

    " I guess this is it. My last hurrah. "

    " Can you stop being so weird for once? Please? Just one last time will do. "

    A tear drops down from Sean's face, his tear licking his cheek. " I'm glad that you came here Johnny. You literally are my only family. "

    " that's a bit more girly but it's better than nothin'. But I'll miss you too buddy. We had our ups and downs. We've been there through thick and thin and I'm glad it was you that was there for me when I needed someone the most. You are my brother. " Johnny, sucking up his tears and trying to man up showing who is the most 'manlier' between the two, puffed out chest and hands balled into a fist. " I'll see you later Seán "

    " See ya later.. " Seán says turning around.

    Seán awkwardly puts his hands in his pockets and starts to head to the waiting area for his plane, without looking back he hears Johnny's footsteps against the marble. Johnny's leathery shoes makes it sound like a duck quacking after every step. That's the one thing Seán will miss the most. Ireland has been Sean's home ground. But moving to New York will change him. He will be living a normal life in New York. But the one thing Seán doesn't know.. Is that Seán O' Sullivan is beyond normal.


    So, that was my little appetiser for you. I really hope you enjoy this story. I know I will enjoy writing it! But be tuned in tomorrow for Chapter 1! And if you thought this was short don't worry, I'll try not to disappoint tomorrow I will be posting bigger content, this was just to give you an idea of who Seán is and all that crack. And by the way if you didn't know, Seán is the Irish version for Shaun or Shawn or whatever. But yeah, thanks for reading!
  2. Great start bro! Im irish too! I guess im the first reader 
  3. Chapter 1

    Moving objects spur in motion hitting against brick walls. Glass, plastic, wood, you name it. "Come, listen " a voice echoes. " you alone can cut through the blood to spill, it is your will " Then came the red clouds and the flash of light.

    Seán opens his eyes to a smooth calming voice from the pilot through the intercom. " approximately 8 minutes before landing, please stay in your seats for the remainder of the flight, thank you. " This was the first time Seán ever got a good night's sleep for the past week. All the packing, farewells made Seán a bit moody. He looked out the window to find the whiteness of the clouds. It reminded him of cotton candy in the sky, like any other 6 year old. He took a deep breath, arms stretched, looking as if he was stretching but all he was doing was getting ready for a new life. A slight buzz passed him. An adrenaline rush. He could not wait any longer, all he really wanted to do right now is sing at the top of his lungs.

    Before Seán knew it, he was at the entrance of the New York airport. It was a Sunday there so he only had a few hours to enroll himself to a new school using his legal documents for his right to go to school. He also need to find his apartment the orphanage had paid for him. Seán made the signal to call a taxi, whistling, waving his hand, even putting his thumbs up as if he was a hiker asking for a ride home. A shiny new yellow taxi came to his aid within moments. Seán opened the door with two fingers, struggling to carry all of his luggage. " Do you know where Rushbrooke Valley is sir? " Seán muffled, passport in his mouth.
    "Yes sir indeedy, you a foreigner?" The taxi man asked.

    "Yeah I'm from Ireland. I'm moving here, thanks for asking. "

    " no problem, hop right in " the taxi driver motioned him in. It took about 5 minutes for Seán to get his luggage in, it was like playing Tetris and in a few moment the car was moving. The taxi was driving past tree by tree shaking it, making the leaves gently sway down. The sky was a cold blue even if it was a hot temperature. There was a stray cloud at the very far end on Seán's left patrolling a small grassy hill with two trees watching the landscape. On his right was just a wide open field with oak trees covering every metre of grass. Seán thought it was all beautiful. The taxi driver, who was wearing a black fedora and wearing a Hawaiian T-shirt twisted the knob of the radio slightly to the left so he and Seán can make small talk. "So, what's your reason for moving here?" The taxi driver asked being a bit nosy but just wanted to start a conversation.
    "A new life " Seán said.

    "OK, OK..." The taxi driver said trying to think of what else to say. He gave up after a few seconds and just decided to concentrate on the road. All Seán can think about is where can he get a job to pay his rents and food? Will he fit in in school? Will Johnny call in the next hour or two? A sea of questions filled his mind for the rest of the trip.

    After another 20 minutes the taxi driver pulled up at a black towering gate leading to a neighbourhood. On the gate it read Rushbrooke Valley with rusted gold. "Thanks man" Seán said stepping out of the car pulling out a 50 dollar bill and handed it to the taxi driver. " keep the change " Seán gave a quick wink to the taxi driver thanking him for the ride and having a grin attached to his face. As Seán was walking towards the gate he faintly whispered to himself " I shouldn't of said that. " he swore, but playfully and forgot about it. On the way to Sean's apartment was a closed gate and a pass code. A green button was above the set of numbers. A plate next to the button read Hold button to ask for assistance. Seán did what was asked and a buzzy voice came out of a speaker. "Hello, Emma here how can I help?"

    "Um.. So yeah, I'm a new resident here and I'm just wondering what the code for the gate was?"

    "Please wait as I come and find you, sir" then the buzzy noise stopped. Seán waited for a few minutes then came a woman, probably 22 years of age, with red lipstick, a white shirt that was buttoned three quarters of the way revealing a bit of her, navy blue tight skirt and high heels and of course, blonde, who walked towards him. " I think I'm going to enjoy this place " Seán said to himself so only him would've heard that. He had a grin on his face and offered his hand to greet Emma through the slit of the gates. She shook his hand feeling awkward and proceeded to say " good evening sir, before I can let you in, I must see proof of your residency here." Sean gave her a slip of paper showing all the information of proof. Emma scanned it thoroughly then, with a smile on her pretty face said " welcome sir! Here is a card to your room and the code for the gate door is 1078. " she handed Seán a white plastic card and it showed the number of his apartment, 13. She walked away with a little swagger. Sean then dialed the pass code and a ding pierced his ears then the door swung opened.

    Walking in, an aroma of flowers filled Sean's nostrils. The layout of the place made it look as if the place was a real neighbourhood but it was only a place full of apartments. Even the structure of the apartments made it look like modern bungalows. All the houses were painted white with a balck roof and windows took a portion of the front of the apartments. Seán walked from house to house, going straight forward, looking left and right just awing at the fact that he will live here for a long time. This time he didn't mind having to struggle with his luggage. " Step 1 done. " he said to himself.

    It was only moments ago before he admired the place. Now he is living in it. He started to unpack everything and put it all in the right places. Teapots in the cupboard, pictures on a few wooden shelves that were freshly painted white and placed all of his furniture etcetera. It was only 5:00pm so after unpacking he tried to call the local school to try get enrolled. No answer. " I guess I have to enroll on the day. " He said throwing his phone on his new couch. He then sunk into one of the sofas and gave a breath of relief. I think this calls for a victory sandwich he thought to himself. He got up and slid his feet across the tiles that led to his kitchen. The kitchen was always Sean's favourite place, excluding the bathroom. He grabbed two slices of bread from the cupboard closest to him, he then grabbed the butter and then the ham and lettuce. He made him self an exquisite sandwich made from the finest ingredients of the supermarket. Being only 17 and him living by himself wasn't the worst thing in the world. All he needed was a friend. He really needed someone to talk to, he wished that johnny had called but it has been one day, he was probably giving Seán a little space. After eating his sandwich, he went to go relax on the couch and watch some television. That was the summary of his evening.


    Thanks for reading! Tune in tomorrow for chapter 2

    PS. I might've spelled enrolment as enrollment at the odd time during this story!

    ~your 'maybe not so noobie anymore?' Writer, Reactions.
  4. Not that bad! Wall me when updated again? (Forgive me if you don't wall people. I always try to ask)