What's your favorite color?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ThislsntEvenMyFinalForm, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. ...That 
    White :3
  2. ? I don't have a favorite color.
    I have a favorite lipstick color though. 

    That's as close as I get to a favorite color 
  3. Burgundy
  4. I'll be original and go with lilac.
  5. blood orange
  6. Shut up it's fucking red?
  7. sky blue
  8. Green is not a creative color ?
  9. Your face is not a creative color!

    Black white n red
  10. Green.  Mainly forest green. But I do adore almost all shades of green
  11. Green
  12. But late but
  13. 50 shades of green ?