Is it me or PIMD got lazy on designing the button.? Hope this isnt the final look of it because if this is it then... Smh OK pimd ._.
@OP its probably because your phone have a small screen..I have a Galaxy an it displays the whole relationship button
So here are the ss of the latest update fails for android.. I've already emailed support about it. Said they will send it to proper department for investigation. Hope they fix it soon tho. Or just remove the whole thing lol
@OhNoShe i guess so but still they have to go to some measures to fit the button in every device.. Its their job to do so all of the apps on the stores work on making everything fit for every phone perfectly they should have polished it before releasing just saying
I have a Galaxy Note 3. The "Relationship" title looks normal on my screen. Might be a screen size issue. Here's hoping ATA can assist you.
I do hope they fix it and make the button fictional already so we'd have a test drive on the new feature