Stupidest Username

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheAmazingSpider-Man, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    If you were trying to be funnywasn't even funny at all.
  2. It is never funny to joke around about ebola
  3. What in the actually puck ._.
  4. That's like joking about cancer
  5. ^Agree. This is probably some underage kid who thought making that username would be funny and we would all laugh at it. But guess what I'm be laughing. Go watch the news and see for yourself.
  6. Dont hire this joke ._. Make this kid reset while people are dying his on his phone making a joke out of it -.-#
  7. omg that's me .

    follow my twin 2 @EbolaVirus
  8. You fail on pointing spiderman xD
  9. Stupidest is not a's most stupid or more stupid...js

    And agreed..stupid name
  10. Award for her: Most likely to get Ebola?