Characters Needed

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *PetiteVivi (01), Jun 20, 2011.

  1. Okay, I have writers block, and I need characters. I need a BFFL, a boyfriend, a principal, 3 teachers, and a gothic chick.
  2. I'll be a teacher. :D
  3. name: Zoe
    Age: u decide
    Eyes: blue
    Hair: medium length Black
    Clothes: you decide
    Personality: again u decide

  4. Bffl!!!

    Looks: Hot, tall, golden haired girl, that wears dresses all the time. Is able to fight anyone, and is tough. I'm a beast  she is your best friend! She is able to use guns, knives, amd other weapons, and is secretly rich.  I would love to be apart of this!
  5. My eyes are also blue... But change colors 
  6. Name: Jodie
    Age: (Any)
    Looks: Blonde hair, brown eyes, 5"4?
    Personality: Kind, smart, funny, wise, honest.

    You can change that btw, do whatever you want. :)
  7. Name: Jess

    Look: Long, curly, fiery red hair. Fierce, bright green eyes. Slim and shortish. Petite :p Perfect cupped 'you knows' Long eyelashes. Tanned skin :D

    Attitude: Fun to be with, and everybody likes me, but I only like to be with my closest friends. I can be nice, but I can also be a b¡tch. My friends love me for that. I'm very strong headed, and let out the inner-b¡tch when I believe in something. I'm a born leader, and not shy. I will say wht I think right to ur face, and will say the truth. I am NOT a follower.

    Bf: You can give me one ^.^

    Clothes: Skinny Jeans. Turquoise converse. Cute Tshirts and large Pink or Turquoise or Black or Gray hoodies. Girlie Flat, Straight Rimmed hats. Diamond nose stud. Little diamond earrings.

    Favorite Thing to Say: You got spunk, kid!

    Trademark: Cherry Lollipop in my mouth.
  9. Um, I'll have two BFFLs then, Both of u are awesome!
  10. Name:Finn
    Description: kinda tall, well built, tawny brown hair and dark green eyes,
    Personality:stubborn, but really kind, skate border, loyal but a bit of a goof
    The bf :3
  11. Kk I need two more teachers and a principal!
  12. Clothes:blue tshirt, black jeans, Jordan's and a skateboard keychain
  14. Can I be like a secret government ninja-agent-principal? 

    Name: Dimitri
    Description: Dark shades, buzz cut, stocky, well built, big muscles, wears a suit and under that black clothes, black tight fitting t-shirt, black camo pants, big boots, gold chain necklace, tan
    Personality: Goof, funny, serious and silent when needed, smart
    Other: Always has candy in pocket, Ninjalike, doctor skills, authoritative

    I am ninja...
  16. Okay, I'll just make up the two teachers

  17. I'll be a boyfriend
    Name Sean
    Age any
    Hair dirty blonde
    Personality shy but completely opens up with friends