Ones who talk crap behind your back Huge egos Drama queens People who make everything about them thats the worst
-Cheating (I ain't loyal, I always cheat in a relationship, but I get pissed when/if my girl cheats on me ) -Stupidity -Bad hygine -Cheapness (I dun want cheap girls, specially the ones who are too possesive with money) -Bad in bed -Liars -Dependent ***** -Ugly -Nerds/non-athletic chicks/gamers -Fatties (DUN H8 ME, LAH) And a lot more. ,-,
Fat Lazy Insecure Clingy Moving too fast Demanding Controlling Makes you feel guilty for every little thing Insensitive Egotistical Know it all Guys who think they're better than anyone else Guys who are nice to you but rude to everyone else because they're NOT nice. They're still asses. They're just making exceptions. And someday your VIP pass might expire Guys who are vanilla Guys who think religion is stupid If you don't get along with my parents If you don't get along with my friends If you act like a douche with your friends but try to be an angel around me SOMETHING ISNT ADDING UP lies Deception If you can't be honest and up front If you're afraid to leave your phone in the same room as me If you're scared of commitment, labels, marriage, anything other than booty calls If you don't pick up my calls but are ALWAYS free to text me NFA's (people with No Future Ambition)
If he doesn't let me speak during conversations, consistently talk over me and interrupt me or just won’t shut up ever? If he refuse to participate in things he know I really like and are meaningful to me? even though I’ve explained how much these things mean to me? If he still act like a child not in a cute, fun, let’s-play-Hopscotch way but in a still-throws-temper-tantrums-in-public way He won’t let me win in arguments or let me be right ever, because everything is always about them He can’t see the value in my careerbye If he makes fun of me for being who I am or try to change me into someone i don’t want to be If he e won’t kick back and relax or be sillywith me, like those times you just really just want to have a Buffy marathon stay in bed all morning for no reasonor sit and just enjoy each other’s presence
I have a fair few :lol: I'm both stubborn and pretty interested in politics and sociology, so someone who has very opposing views to mine is a deal breaker, I'll never back down. Lack of humour, also lack of appreciation for really bad jokes, those are the best. Really skinny guys, getting bruises from cuddles with those mad jaggy bones. And a really big nose, ain't nothing worse than getting a nose in your eye when you're kissing, bleugh ? There are probably more but it's late.
Someone I can't have conversation with Someone who let's me walk all over them Someone who can't think for themself Someone who tells all their business Someone who lies Someone who doesn't follow directions doesn't listen very one List goes on and on