which is better? Zelda or Skyrim?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gabe_TheGingerBeardMan, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. A couple of my friends was debating on which one is better. I couldn't choose because they are both great games, but what are ur opinions on the games?
  2. Bruh Skyrim :roll:
  3. ZELDA

    always zelda
  4. Legend of Zelda FTW
  5. Zelda. Old school Zelda , new Zelda , idc


    Oracle of Seasons is my shit.
  7. These games are like 2 different genres. 1 is from Nintendo and 1 is for Sony. How am I supposed to choose one or the other when they don't have anything im common?
  8. You suck I'm better
  9. skyrim for me,well Moreso oblivion. Oblivion is much more kickass than skyrim,kill two daedric princess in oblivion,three if you count the dlc one as two
  10. Great now i have the song stuck in my head >.<
  11. Skyrim, also Stormcloak for life ️?
  12. Zelda!