Rya the Keeper

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Red_Rose_DraGon, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Dont wanna be mean, but can ya hold back on the drawings and get on with the story?
  2. Its gonna take a while but i'll see what i can do
  3. Have you done not trying to be rude or anything ?
  4. No. I have been busy. Will try to update soon

    RyaRayne & Sinatra_Rebellus
  5. Beautiful writing
  6. Chapter 2
    It has been two months since I have been free of my home and noble life. I was happy. Overjoyed. Free. But that will soon come to an end because.... My father is coming home tonight.

    I wanted to cry as I knew I would be leaving him. I had the most wonderful time with him. I don't want it to end. I...I... I'm in love with him. I laid in the grass of the meadow he brought me to, to look at the sky. He laid next to me holding my hand. Oh how I loved this. It was wonderful. But... I don't know if he feels the same.

    "Yes Eric?" I answered looking at him.
    "I have enjoyed these past two months with you greatly," he said looking at me, "and I think I have fallen in love with you. "

    My heart started pounding. He's in love with me? Oh my goodness.

    "But....." he started, "I can't be with you. "

    My heart stopped. No..... This can't be.

    "Why not?" I asked, trying to understand.
    "I have been previously engaged to another," he says quietly.

    I wanted to cry. He was forced into a marriage too. No!

    "But I love you...." I whispered as tears fell from my eyes.

    He looked at me and kissed me. I kissed him back. His lips were soft and wonderful against mines as they move in sync with mines. He tasted amazing and I want more. But I can't. I am going to marry another man. And he will marry another woman. My tears came even more and stained my face.

    "My lady.... Don't cry," he said kissing away my tears.
    "But...." I started but was stopped by his lips onn mines.
    "Sera..... I don't want to let you go," he said stroking my cheek.
    "Neither do I...." I wept, my tears staining his fingers.
    "I want to always have a part of your heart my dear. So I know that you are mines and I am yours." "
    Then take from me what nonother man has touched."

    He froze. I froze. I couldn't believe I just said that. Do I want to give up my purity to this man? Is he worth my shaming?
  7. Dear Readers,
    I apologize for the short......... VERY short chapter. I was a bit busy with certain matters that was very serious. So please understand if I take long to make new chapters in both Rya the Keepet and CreepyPasta Verse. Thank you so much for your understanding.

    RyaRayne & Sinatra_Rebellus
  8. I understand real life comes first...I got you. Very nice update. Love both of y'all stories, keep it up :)
  9. Ha ha. Thanks Fro
  10. Wall me again when updated please. (And sorry if you don't do walling. I can't remember which authors do and don't anymore)
  11. Its ok. Kitty. We are kinda bust at the moment. Sorry
  12. No no, I'm not trying to rush you. I just like to know when you update do that I can read it
  13. No problem. Im not sure when CreepyPasta Verse was last updated but i think it was
  14. Dear Readers...
    Sinatra_Rebellus and I are trying our very best to make more chapters so we can update the stories we have posted on here but due to certain situations we aren't able to post anything new. We sincerely apologize for this but we are doing our best to make the chatpers as we go until we get time to post them. But I will assure you that this isn't the end of CreepyPasta Verse or Rys the Keeper.
    Thank you all so much for your understanding.

    Authors of CreepyPasta Verse and Rya the Keeper,
    Sinatra_Rebellus and RyaRayne
  15. Im not sure i should let this continue or just let it die
  16. This wasn't really good...