At one point everything some one knows will be dead. Maybe even them. I sit now on the edge. Not knowing or understanding why everything changed or how it came to this. The forest so peaceful. And the ocean so treacherous. How can things be so peaceful and yet so destructive? How can we see the world like this and be ok with it all? It's so wrong but we see it as right.
I never used to think like this. No... I was once a happy young man, full of energy. But then my parents got into a car accident. Neither one of them survived. I was placed in a foster home, where I learned to be happy again. For a short while, at least. While I was at school, there was a home intrusion at the house. The man shot my foster parents, not knowing that they were home, figured the house was empty. I live on my own now. I have isolated myself from everyone. Thoughts about death come naturally to me... Always when I least expect them. Always when I'm alone.
I often cross the border to get to the edge. It isn't hard. They say it's constantly guarded. But it's not. It never is. This place here is supposed to be wild. Animals that rip you to shreds and savage people. I've seen none of that. I've seen. Lush forests and a body of water that speeches on forever. I've seen animals that greet me like I'm a close friend. People would never understand any of this. Especially not them. But I'll keep coming here no matter what just to feel some thing other than the emptiness that fills me; starting from deep inside. I am not sure yet if this is home. All I know is this is how I live. Maybe even why. Or am I even living? I am unsure.
The only thing that makes me happy is this world is this girl Malinda my best friend I have this big crush on her since 2 grade but I have always been to shy most of the time I think about
I don't know what life is anymore, Is it a lie. Or is it just to break us down, I do not know what life is.
I sometimes just think about ending my life right here right now I don't have friends to miss me or to worry about so what's the point of living its not like anyone knows I'm alive my whole family hates Me from my great great great great grandma to my mum so what's the point on living why haven't I done it already and kill myself
I have been forced to live alone, with nothing to hold on to. My memories haunt me and my heart always stops a second, telling me it is my time. I don't know why I'm still alive. I've been shot 2 Times and survived to this day. Why do i live if I have no purpose in this world.
The demons inside me keep calling me... Whispering "Nathan..." in the back of my skull, sending chills down my spine. I want them gone, but they won't leave me alone. They make me... think things. Things I don't want to think. Things like going to the nearest town and slaughtering every person there for what humans have made me felt. They shall pay... but I don't want to slaughter them...
The demons take me further and further into the Underworld, and I can't escape.They pull me into fits of anger and restlessness. I just want to die, just be able to kill myself, but I get sucked into horror and end up killing other beings. I've lost my calmness now. The passage in the forest is now gone, replaced by a portal into darkness. And that portal is surrounded by evil. No one can help you if you get sucked in. You become hopeless, and insane. I'm too far into the portal, that my own world is gone and replaced by a never ending pit of my nightmares. Help me.
A girl starts calling my name saying Nathan help please help me save me I turn around but no-ones there I start to freak out voices start calling my name I scream to wake up in some kind of blue room with a young girl around the same age as me she had blue eyes black beautiful long hair in a plat red lips long eyelashes she was so perfect wiping my head with a wet cold cloth . "where am I " I ask her and she jumps up shocked .
Bad grammer , so I edited it for you The girl then stood still, and the room was filled with silence. She finally replies in a mumble" Hell, that's where you are" I look around the room in shock. With my strength, I limp over to the faint, clouded window. Blue light reflected off the stained blue glass. Around the room was gray fog, hiding the horrors in it's cloud.
"There here to test"She said. I stood there shocked the fog started covering me I screamed and yelled to be let go. Until I couldn't fight it anymore I heard my mums voice calling me saying Nathan...Nathan your worthless you should have never been born I scream no and the fog flees. The girl stands in the corner scared and shocked she runs to me hugging me. I hug her back not knowing what else to do or say.