read this and continue the story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LupaTheSilverWolf, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. At one point everything some one knows will be dead. Maybe even them. I sit now on the edge. Not knowing or understanding why everything changed or how it came to this. The forest so peaceful. And the ocean so treacherous. How can things be so peaceful and yet so destructive? How can we see the world like this and be ok with it all? It's so wrong but we see it as right.
  2. Go to fan-fiction with this
  3. You'd get a better response in fan fic. You might only get trolls here.
  4. It's not fan fiction. Fan fiction is stories based off of other stories. ?
  5. Yeah but people who write their own also go there.
  6. People usually only write original stories, not actual fan fiction.
  7. But no one ever looks there.
  8. Some do. Stories get updated and there's lurkers too
  9. I was a fanfiction god, i made badass stories up in that bitch, just ask angel broski