
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Oox-Zoe-xoO, May 25, 2011.

  1. Wow 

    Brilliant as always :)
  2. Lmao Qin he's mine though 
  3. Ty guys 
  4. I need to go to one of those clubs when im 21  hahaha 
  5. Lmao they rock Alex 
  6. It's so good!!! Haha keep up the dirty. It makes it more dramatic and interesting 
  7. Lol everyone loves the dirtiness!!!!! 
  8. Especially meh
  9. Loooooooool 
  10. Lol that's what my writin is usually about :D Sex and Murder. Love and Bas Things Happening :D
  11. Damn bravawooo *fist pump* nicely done!
  12. This story me like!! 
  13. Same Andy  that was uhhhh intense
  14. Neeeeeeeeeeeext hype
  15. This is an amazing story!! 
  16. Conner sounds yummy! But he belongs to Rose! 
  17. I wonder who this blonde girl is  hmmmm... WHO IS IT.
  18. Conner is mine.

    Lol very intense :3 
  19. Moreeee please <3

    This is a neeeeeext joke