relationship?? wtf?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by caspertheghost, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Id just create a alt and have a relationship with it  the fun I could have with myself :shock:
  2. Just like the relationship button won't change the game you can still hit dance,prank etc and do everything that you currently do, it's one button that you don't have to touch if you don't want to use it.

    Like I said previously you will still play the game and we are not here to protect others from perv's etc. That is the parents job to monitor and educate their children, there is nothing that ata is doing which encourages people to be preyed upon. They have a block button that is all they need to do.
  3. some of y'all either in a relationship or have had one here but wants to disagree with ata about a relationship button y'all still going to be here anyway so why make a big deal about it.....
  4. Agreed..relationship button does not seems good idea
  5. Never had a pimd relationship. Just sayin
  6. But mommy Casper ?
  7. I'm just going to ignore it and keep playing the game lol. I already ignore the rp'ers and thirsties so this probably won't make much difference. It's still a dumb idea.
  8. I've had too many
  9. if that rs button will lessen those who ask rp in campus ! i will support it -_- instead of asking for rp in campus they will be like "Wanted GF ! lets do this RS button thing" lol but seriously -_- i dont like the idea of it cause in the first place PIMD IS A GAME , NOT A DATING SITE -_- for pete's sake
  10. The relationship thing won't change pimd one bit. Everyone's just gonna sit back, complain, and continue on buying EC. It's just another thing. ?
  11. Relationship wont change pimd?

    think of it this way: there were many suggestions that wouldve added value to the gaming experience. Pimd chose to spend resources on developing a relationship stat bonus system that wasnt exactly well recieved when they asked us about it. The fact that pimd ignored many awesome ideas shows that they dont care about improving the game, but are more concerned with making it a social platform for pervs and predators.

    Will a relationship stat bonus system change pimd? Perhaps... but it worries me that this is the action that sends the game spiralling down a deep dark hole that it wont be able to get itself out of.
  12. It will change it into a dating site
  13. PIMD is now a dating game lol
  14. rp channels within game will be the next to come good job ata  making this game garbage
  15. I agree this is stupid game is getting boring like seriously what's next u gonna had family status and how many kids people have then u gonna had where they from to ugggh!!!!
  16. I don't even see how this would change pimd at all, people will still ask for rp people will still party, I don't see anything here that says it can't just be a close friend. It's a game after all not a dating site :|
  17. They're gonna come out with new "parties" where you have to take your "partner" to "bed" and has actions like "thrust" and "bounce" and shit and if you complete the party you get her pregnant and have to raise a kid and you get prego avatars with kids.

    That..... That actually sounds kewl.